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Cyclones remain undefeated in the conference

Cyclones remain undefeated in the conference

Wednesday the Cyclones traveled to Century College to take on #2 Wood ducks and came away with a 5 set win; 25-20, 23-25, 25-16,21-25, 15-9.

Stat leaders for the match include:
Kills: Brooklyn Fischer-17, Presley Kenning- 12, Lexy Nehring-10
Set Assists: Olivia Mortenson-22, Jadyn Young-21
Digs: Lexy Nehring-21, Brooklyn Fischer-20, Presley Kenning-18, Jaden Sandquist- 18

Friday the Cyclones traveled to Western Technical College earned another 5 set victory; 23-25, 17-25, 25-11, 25-16, 15-12.

Stat leaders for the match include:
Kills: Brooklyn Fischer-10, Presley Kenning-10
Set Assists: Jadyn Young- 24, Olivia Mortenson- 19
Digs: Lexy Nehring- 25, Brooklyn Fischer-24
Blocks: Brooklyn Fischer-3
Service Aces: Brooklyn Fischer-3, Jadyn Young- 3

The Cyclones are currently ranked #12 in the latest NJCAA poll and are 6-0 in the MCAC South, 13-3 overall.

Next week's matches for the Cyclones:
Wed, Oct 9 @ Ridgewater at 6:30pm
Fri, Oct 10 host MN West (#6) at 6:30pm
Sat, Oct 11 host Western Tech at noon